4.2% + $1.00 per transaction.

Student Pays In Cash?

No Card Transaction = No Cost to You

Additional Card Stuff

If the instructor cancels a class.

Prior to accepting payment, the class is simply cancelled. If payment has been processed the transaction fees will be deducted from the instructor’s Adozi Balance.

If the student cancels a class.

Prior to accepting payment, the class is simply cancelled. If payment has been processed the transaction fees and any student cancelation penalty will be deducted from the student payout.

Minimal Balance Required

For credit card payments the instructor must maintain a minimal balance with Adozi. This is to insure balance is available to process refunds. The standard balance is $20.00 but can be changed.

Disbursement Charge

Disbursing funds from your Adozi balance encounters an additional charge. This is simply us passing our costs on to you. $00.254 per disbursement and 00.254% of the balance.

Adozi Account

When working with Adozi the proceeds from your credit and debit card transactions will be deposited into a dedicated account with Adozi. You can take disbursements from this account at any time.

Monthly Charge with Disbursement

If funds have been paid from your Adozi account to your bank account during a calendar month, a $2.03 fee will be charged.